Pregnancy and Postpartum is a special time for women that their body goes through various emotional and physical changes.
After birth,
Are you wondering what your body is going through?
Whether it is the right time to return back to your fitness routine?
What is the next step to healing your body?
Are you concerned about having Diastasis Recti?
This Postpartum Restoration Program is designed to guide you through all the physical changes that your body has experienced and how you can restore your body safely. It teaches you to focus on what is happening from within your body, so you are not just fixated on your physical appearance.
After birth, the body needs proper care to facilitate recovery from physical changes that your body has gone through. It is important to get your body assessed and check if you have any condition of diastasis recti (abdominal separation). Many women rush to get back to their “before baby body” by doing heavy exercises and cardio which can cause chronic pains or discomfort in the long term if the body is not healed from birth.
Following the initial care, Postpartum Recovery Program will help you to regain deep abdominal and pelvic floor strength to help support your lower back, following the demands of pregnancy & birth, along with managing a newborn (feeding, lifting, bending) and daily activities.
This program will teach you to listen, understand, and re-connect with your body as you exercise!
Your Instructor
Balanced Body® Comprehensive Pilates Instructor
Pre/Post Natal Pilates/Exercise Specialist™
Elif started her own teaching journey after feeling the benefits of this physical fitness system. Her devotion to pilates resulted in less pain and big improvements to her posture, and from then on, thousands of her students around the world enjoy the same benefits. Her goal is to share her knowledge with her students to help them get physically and mentally stronger, as well as self-confident, fit and dynamic.
Work with a certified Pre/Post-natal Pilates/Exercise Specialist™ in the comfort of your own home, on your schedule!
This program is for:
New mums and
not so new mums. It is never too late to start this program to restore your postnatal body.
The result of the postpartum program:
– Better pelvic floor function,
– Supple core, stable and strong pelvis,
– Healing of abdominal separation (diastasis recti),
– Prepared body for your regular exercise routine,
– Feeling more relaxed and energized in your daily activities,
– Having a better mental and emotional state of being.
Relax, Release, Realign, Strengthen, Stretch!
Postpartum program components:
– An initial assessment of your posture, muscular imbalances, diastasis recti, birth history,
– Release the restrictions preventing you from healing,
– Using a deep core breath to activate and strengthen the abdominals and pelvic floor,
– Realignment of the body for the muscles to function and respond optimally to exercises,
– A progressive restorative exercise routine that is safe for abdominal separation (diastasis recti) or C sections,
– Restoring the alignment of the body, toning the muscles, and strengthening the whole body.
Postpartum program details:
Option 1: 10 weeks (once a week sessions)
Option 2: 5 weeks (twice a week sessions)
Total of 10 private sessions via zoom including assessing your body and work towards your body’s particular condition and needs.
Each session will consist of;
20 min of fascial release
20 min postnatal restoration exercises
15 min of Pilates mat and/or equipment exercises to strengthen the upper and lower body
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